Research Paper On Ocean Pollution

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Did you know that over one million seabirds and a hundred thousand marine mammals are killed every year as a result of ocean pollution? (Internet) This is only one of the many staggering and depressing statistics that accompany the ongoing threat and damage that pollutants are causing in the Earth's oceans. For thousands of years, humans have dumped trash into the ocean like it's our universal garbage can, and the situation has gotten out of control. Now the ocean's ecosystem is at an all time high in terms of vulnerability (424). We need our oceans to stay healthy because the ocean is a significant source of oxygen, and it helps us harness and store carbon dioxide. The marine life living in the oceans is also important because they give humans …show more content…

Noise pollution in the ocean is basically ambient noise produced from things such as large ships, underwater mining, and sonar that permeates through the ocean and negatively affects marine life. First off, noise pollution can be caused by a number of different things, but one major source of noise pollution is boat traffic. Many large ships create sound pulses of up to around 200 decibels, or higher. Even smaller ships can create anywhere from 160-170 decibels. These loud noises create a virtual wall that is constantly loud, and blocks certain species from communicating (Internet). Also, apart from the problem of not being able to communicate, noise pollution affects the breeding cycle for many marine species. With the constant noise that spreads throughout the ocean, more and more marine animals are having trouble finding mates. Obviously if an animal of a species cannot find someone to mate with, the species will stop growing and, eventually, will start the process of becoming extinct (Internet). Finally, there is hope for decreasing noise pollution, just like all other pollutants, it is impossible to completely stop. More and more governments are stepping up around the world and are starting to address the issue of noise pollution. Also, marine life protection laws can be easily applied, if the government of a country decides to put it in place