Research Paper On Othello

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Many have heard of a miraculous writer names William Shakespeare. He was a writer who captivated the souls of his readers and play-watchers. Shakespeare was able to do this many times in his illustrious career, and was able to bring it to the twenty-first century. One of Shakespeare’s most memorable plays was Othello. Othello is a play about a war general named Othello who falls in love with, as well as, the Senators daughter after courting her. Soon after this Othello’s standard bearer plotted to disgrace him which ends up with many characters deaths including both Othello and Desdemona. Because of how this tale ends in such an awful way, it brings to question why did Iago want to bring Othello down so badly. When looking at Othello one of …show more content…

He is a very by the book man who holds all of his friends in high regard. Lots of the people around him also hold him in this high regard that Othello cherishes so dearly, but sadly some only do it to his face. The few that do not give Othello respect do this with the idea that in the end they feel his race changes how he should be respected. The Duke of Venice does this in a condescending way, despite still respecting him. While speaking to Brabantio he says “DUKE OF VENICE And, noble signior, If virtue no delighted beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more fair than black. (Othello 289-291)” While he is complimenting Othello, he also feels the needs to bring his race into it. This shows how his race will always be present no matter what he is being judged on. Despite loving everyone, even his closest “friend” judges him the hardest. Othello puts all of his trust in Iago without any doubt in his allegiance. He expresses earnestly to Iago “I think thou dost; And, for I know thou’rt full of love and honesty, And weigh’st thy words before thou givest them breath… (Othello 116-119)” This goes to show Othello’s unwavering trust in his friends because of how acceptable of a person he truly is. He seems to even be blind to how his race affects his everyday life. This trait brings Othello many problems and ultimately leads to his …show more content…

There were a surprising amount of these comments made which would be quite surprising to anyone that didn't make them. A bulk of these comments were made by Iago, who was one of Othello’s most trusted comrades. Othello seemed to be so consumed by how his loved ones were treated, that he never really examined how he was treated. Because of this it opened him up to lots of persecution. He was pushed around behind his back by people calling him monikers like “Barbary horse,” “the Old black Ram,” “the Moor,” and “Thick lips.” All of this referring to traits that people of the African descent carry. While all of this was behind his back characters were quite vocal about their disgust. Desdemona’s father was heavily against their relationship and even thought Othello used magic to court his daughter. He even accused Othello directly by saying to him “If she in chains of magic were not bound, Whether a maid so tender, fair and happy… (Othello 65-66)” The use of magic was the only was Brabantio could fathom his perfect daughter could fall in love with this black man. This comment to Othello should have expected a angry response but instead he almost apologized and asked for a punishment. Othello did not even seem to realize the racist aspect of