Research Paper On The Crucible

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Ryker Moses


English 11A

16 December 2022

Arthur and his Crucible

There are many reasons why people will write a play, book, or movie. For example, some people draft books or plays to escape their problems or to relax themselves. Aruther Miller is no exception to this principle. Many aspects of Mr. Millers’ life influenced his writing of his book the Crucible. The Crucible has many parallels to Mr. Millers life including his affair with Maralyn Manroe, the red scare, and untrustworthy leaders. With these events happening in Mr. Millers life, they were a major factor in writing the Crucible.

In 1955, Arthur Miller was having an affair with Marilyne Monroe, an American actress. Marilyn Monrow is famous for playing comedic "blonde …show more content…

Mr. Miller relates a good amount of his private life that was going on in the 1950’s to the book (The Crucible) that he wrote. That was later adapted into a play. The book was also later adapted into a movie released on November 27, 1996( This helps by showing when the movie was released starring Daniel Day-Lewis as John Proctor, Joan Allen as Elizabeth, and Winona Ryder as Abigail( This also helps by explaining what actor plays which role in the movie. the red scare relates to the Crucible when people panic about being convicted as a witch(communist). When Joseph Mcarthy makes people believe that the red scare is a major problem just like Abigale Williams did in the play. While evaluating this it helps prove that Aruther Miller related the play to his personal …show more content…

He did it in both obvious and subtle ways, but still changed the main story line to fit the way he was feeling. In the end, we can see how he felt throughout this time in his life in the way he drafted his book “The Crucible.”

Works Cited Editors. “Red Scare.” HISTORY, 28 Feb. 2020,

Kennedy, Merrit. “Salem Memorializes Those Killed During Witch Trials.”, 20 July 2017,

“The Crucible: Movie Adaptations.” SparkNotes,

Wikipedia contributors. “Marilyn Monroe.” Wikipedia, 6 Dec. 2022,