“The Truman Show” is a movie that was released in 1998 directed by Peter Weir. The main character, Truman Burbank, lives in a virtual “reality” created by a man named Cristof, executive producer of “The Truman Show”. This is a television program that never goes off air and it broadcasts every single moment of Truman’s life captured by hidden cameras. Every single person he has ever known has been an actor with a written script, so that Cristof could control every single event in Truman’s life, including replacing his true love, Sylvia with an actress named Meryl who doesn’t really like him. Throughout the show, there are a few instances of people in Truman’s life discouraging his hopes and dreams and inflicting fear. An example of this would be Truman’s father. Cristof made Truman’s dad fake his own death on a fishing trip when Truman was a young boy. He had always been afraid of the water since then. Also, in Truman’s early childhood, his teachers discouraged him from being an explorer in an exceedingly barbaric way- in front of his whole class. Although this may seem rough, these characters were forced to crush Truman’s confidence in order to prevent him from discovering that this life is all for show. If he would have sailed in a boat, he would have discovered that the water eventually comes to an end, and they worried that he would …show more content…
There were many clues that could have revealed the truth to Truman. For example, in the beginning of the movie, a light fell from the sky. Cristof makes an announcement on the radio that convinces Truman that it was from an airplane, but it obviously was not. Another example of an odd reality in Truman’s life was the fact that Meryl advertised everything. It was later revealed that since the show does not have breaks. Meryl is the only way to get in commercials. Additionally, Truman faintly sees a cast and crew in the back of an elevator. This is definitely not typical