
Research Proposal On Tomato Sauces

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Ofentje Motubatse
Crawford Lonehill Preparatory
Category: Food Science, Food Technology and Heathy Eating

Proposal Question:
The dietary implication of using sauces with meals and the use of healthier alternatives?

Purpose of Project:
I decided to do this project because most people think that only sweets, cooldrinks and certain foods have sugar but they don’t realise that even sauces have sugar! We think tomato sauce is healthy because “it has tomatoes”. We think salad dressing is healthy because you dress it over a salad but you would be surprised what these sauces ACTUALLY have in them. I also want to educate people to watch what and how much they eat. If they take sauces for granted they could end up with diabetes, obesity or heart disease (all diseases caused by too much sugar.) I would also like to get the word around the world because sugar causes sicknesses and diseases and if we had less sicknesses and diseases then we would have to use less plants which we would have more plants and our natural vegetation wouldn’t be disappearing as fast as it is and it would also use less resources (metals) which we could use for other purposes.

This project was mostly a survey project although it did include research and experiments, the best way was to survey a will variety of people and do my research based on their answers. So what I have done is as follows:
• Surveyed 100 people on what their favourite sauce is
• Surveyed people
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