
Research: Should College Athletes Be Paid

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Most college athletes risk their lives for the sport they love, as well as for the reputation of their school. They do this in hopes of going to the next level whether it be being drafted in the NFL, NBA, or MLB. These student-athletes strive for a future life in sports and a shot in the big time all while keeping a steady academic record to be eligible to participate in sports. This ensures high scores for the athletes which in turn will bring a better reputation for the school and then bring in a profit. They play these sports which cause injury to a large percentage of players and they do so without being ensured in health because most of these players are young and just starting out in their life so they probably don’t have the funds to invest into insurance; this in mind, the school should at the very least provide a form of healthcare coverage for the student-athletes who are committed and cannot afford it. This can be achieved …show more content…

That is more than anybody else! Don’t be greedy!”. A scholarship given to a Division 1 player is on average $25,000 every year, which adds up to $100,000 every four years. Although this may seem like a huge amount of money, it’s only enough to cover small basic costs, a few thousand goes to “mysterious, unknown university fees” anyway. Some may think that it isn’t that difficult to be a full time athlete and still manage to finish and pass all your school classes, but being a full time athlete is really a full time job. Like I said before, every committed athlete is to wake up hours before their classes, lift or condition, then must attend class for 7-8 hours before again going to practice, which after attending an athletic study session (film), then finally get home and finish homework or prepare for an upcoming

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