Resistance Among South African Americans Summary

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In this book, This war is for a whole life: The culture of Resistance Among Southern California Indians 1850-1966, Hanks mainly touches on some of the issues that faced some of the native Americans considered as heroes in their battles during the turbulent times of war. Their efforts were mainly initiated by their safeguard their homelands in the southern California region, the natural resources in the region and above all respect. Hanks begins by bringing to the readers’ attention that most of the southern California Indians history normally points dwells on the transgressions that they faced ranging from being compelled to surrender to the religion, and technology of other dominant cultures such as the Mexicans and the Americans. In this regard Hanks develops his work based on George Philips presumptions that Indians of Southern California continue to find themselves in a war fighting not only for their civil rights, but also for their land, sovereignty, as well as their cultural integrity. …show more content…

In particular, the Paiutes, who were the desert nomads, were constantly rebellious to the immigrants and other settlers. They continued their rebelliousness to nearly all non-Indians up to the 1840s, which the Anglos could not control. The U.S army resorted to constructing forts along the trails with a view to protect the influx of Europeans and American migrating into the area. The fight to the extreme end escalated with poor weather conditions marked by heavy rains and snow that caused extensive flooding. The natives found it difficult to survive and resorted to raiding the settlers’ cattle for survival. A war, therefore, emerged between the Indian poachers and the settlers, which further infuriated the Paiutes. However, in 1862, the two factions signed a peace treaty, only for the Paiutes to break the treaty because of the escalating