Respect In Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Despite being seen as a god, Odysseus is not self-centered and shows respect to everyone through his prayers, actions, and words throughout his journey at Scherie in The Odyssey. Odysseus first displays respect towards others after being escorted to the town by Nausicaa, where he prays to Athena. He proceeds to say, “Hear me, Atrytone, Unwearied One, Child of Zeus who bears the aegis, and hear my prayer this time… Grant that the Phaeacians may receive me with kindness and compassion” (6.324-327). Even after all of the years of pain that Poseidon has caused to him, Odysseus continues to pray to the Gods, showing that he still has the utmost respect for them. Odysseus also shows his respect towards the Phaeacians through his actions. After Odysseus