
Respond To The Following Webquest Questions About The Harlem Renaissance

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Harlem Renaissance Webquest
Directions: With one partner, your task is to be able to thoroughly respond to the following webquest questions about the Harlem Renaissance. You have two options for how to answer these web quest questions:
1. Complete the following webquest using the links provided and carefully document your answers in your own words.
2. You may conduct your own research to answer the webquest questions; however, you must provide a list of the websites you used to guide your research (Remember what we learned about valid sources). Use Mybib. Make an account in mybib.com and use MLA 8 style guide for websites .
View the following website to answer the questions: http://www.ushistory.org/us/46e.asp …show more content…

What types of laws actually disfranchised African-Americans after the Reconstruction?
Poll taxes, and literacy test to restrict voting
4. What were some common themes within the movement? Harlem Renaissance Info Getting people to see the African American culture and their talent

5. List at LEAST 5 major authors, musicians, or political leaders associated with this movement.
Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Zora Neale Hurston, Marcus Garvey, AaronDouglas
PART 2: POETRY IN MOTION: Langston Hughes was a famous Harlem Renaissance poet. Like others, he developed themes that connected the African-American heritage to the present. The website for this activity is: https://studies.tripod.com/ENGL2328/negro_speaks_rivers.htm
1. How old was Langston Hughes when he wrote this poem “Negro Speaks of Rivers” ?
He was 20
2. What rivers does Langston Hughes mention and how do they connect the past to the present?
Euphrates, Congo, Nile, Mississippi. These rivers represent history
3. Think: How does Langston Hughes’ verbal reading of the poem affect its overall tone?
It gives the poem voice and personality since he has struggled
PART 3: ALL THAT JAZZ MUSIC: During the Harlem Renaissance, jazz and blues music spread from New Orleans to Harlem and all throughout the country. At this website, Ron Scott …show more content…

Why did the owners choose this name for their club?
For the depiction of the interior and how it depicted african americans
4. Think: If you were an African-American musician, how might you feel in this club after you had just finished playing your set?
Angry because your trying to make a name for yourself but you have to demoralize your self for the goals you want to achieve
PART 5: EXPRESSION THROUGH ART: Like the music and literature of the Harlem Renaissance, visual artists painted or sculpted a rich variety of interpretations about African American culture and heritage.
View Prominent Artists of the Harlem Renaissance in NYC to discover:
1. Who were some famous artists of the Harlem Renaissance?
Jacob Lawerance, Augusta Savage
2. Think: Compare and contrast your two favorite pieces of art from this website. How were these examples representative for the period?
Augusta Savage and Jacob Lawerence. Augusta looks like she is enjoying the sculpture she is making while Jacob looks to be admiring past work. Jacob brought “dynamic cubism” to light while Savage did works that would be seen by many people at public events.
After all you’ve read, put your thoughts to

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