Response Essay-Icy Pond

192 Words1 Pages
Icy Pond The ducks played in the pond, all summer long. In the barnyard, the other animals, the sheep, the pigs and the geese, enjoyed watching the ducks, waddling upon the grass. The horses seeing all the fun, loudly neighed and laughed along. Soon summer days dwindled to a close, the north wind began to blow. The farmer’s children chased autumn leaves and the ducks enjoyed playing, in the colorful drifts. The horses went running, across the field, kicking up leaves as they went by. The sheep thought it all indignant, so close to the barn they stayed. The geese had no complaint and the pigs oinked sitting in some mud. Came the day when the animals, were put into their pens, the cows munched on sweet hay, the sheep huddled together, keeping