Response To I Too By Langston Hughes

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Connections There are several connections that can be found in the poems “Mother to Son,” “I, Too,” and “Theme for English B” by Langston Hughes. One of the most prevalent connections in these poems are their themes, that address the lives of African Americans. More specifically, the struggles that African Americans face throughout their lives. In “Mother to Son” the mother is describing how her life is not and has not been easy. Then, the narrator of “I, Too” is describing how he is forced to eat in the kitchen, because of his skin color. In “Theme for English B” the narrator is describing how he is discriminated against. All three poems have that same theme of struggle and discrimination. Which leads into the next connection that they share, their tone. They all have relatively negative tones to them as they describe their experiences.
Audience …show more content…

I do not think he is necessarily intending these poems for children, but I think he wrote these for all adults to read no matter what their race, ethnicity, or social status. Although, in all three poems Hughes is specifically addressing African Americans and people of color, I believe he wants everyone to read this to get new perspectives and insights. Other African Americans can read this and maybe relate, while white people can learn and better understand. There is not really a target audience for these poems, because everyone can take something away from them. “Mother to Son,” describes struggles African Americans face, “I, Too” describes the discrimination, and “Theme for English B” describes the american dream and learning from one