Response To The Nest

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Characters in novels are constructed in a distinct way to influence how the readers respond to the text. The novel The Nest, by Paul Jennings is a book about a boy Robin, struggling with his mental illness. Struggling to find his way and what happened to his mum, he falls in love with a girl named Charlie. He makes some decisions that he regrets and finds himself lost without Charlie. Chasing after her he finds out that his Dad, Allan was behind the death of his mum. Allan moves to Queensland, leaving Robin with Charlie. Paul Jennings constructs his characters in such a way that it force readers to respond in a specific way. Construction of characters in the narrative were essential for making me respond differently to each character. Allan’s actions, Robins speech and Charlie 's actions were all influential in my response. The novel the Nest, forces readers to respond positively in a respectful and sympathetic way to both Charlie and Robins …show more content…

Speech in the Nest was the main deciding factor in how I responded to different characters. Robin the protagonist in the novel, a self conscious boy’s speech caused me to respond in a sympathetic and positive way towards him. As he struggles with his mental illness, he finds himself in the principals office. “I don’t understand. Mr Rogers is the school counsellor and he’ll try to get inside my head. I can’t let anyone in. Ever.” Robins troubles with his illness all throughout the book, but especially in this part of the book. I can relate to him in his problems and not wanting to let anyone else help. As males we don’t want to let others in and just try to wrestle with our problems by ourselves. By being able to relate his complications to mine, I feel what he does in a deeper and empathetic way. Robins speech in the Nest shows him attempting to deal with his inner demons, causing the reader to feel sympathetic and considerate of