
Response To The Raven

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The Raven is a gothic style poem written by Edgar Allan Poe during the mid 1800s. The poem is about a man who has lost his wife, Lenore. The man now hears a tapping in his house, and checks the door to find no one. He then realizes the tapping is coming from the window, so he opens it, and finds that the tapping was from a raven pecking on his window. He opens the window and the raven flies into the room to his surprise. The man whos name is not mentioned then begins to have a conversation with the bird, to which it always replies, “nevermore”. This is my response to this poem. The narrator with his recent loss, was filled with sadness and grief. The narrator begins talking about some one knocking on the door. He realizes it is the bleak of December and thinks “why would someone be at my door”? The narrator stated “Lenore?” This makes me think that he beleived for a moment that Lenore’s ghost was there. The narrators emotions now goes from being sad to being scared. The narrator is scared of the unknown noise. The …show more content…

I interpret the smile to mean that “huh that noise was just a bird and nothing more”. The narrator describes the raven and what a raven represents and what he thinks is the purpose of this raven’s presence. The narrator begins to feel that this bird represents evil and there is some type of darkness about it. The narrator is talking about his struggle with why this raven was there. The narrator asked the raven what is your name? When the raven says “nevermore” the narrator now is struggling with the meaning of this. Why would this bird’s name be “nevermore”. He initially thinks it means nothing. The bird only speaks of that one word and nothing more. The narrator’s feelings are that this bird will leave him now just like his wife did an that is why the bird speaks only this one

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