Revelation 2 Study Guide

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Revelation 1

Revelation is a revelation from God himself, to the Church.
Revelation begins and ends with Jesus
Jesus is the first and the last
Jesus is the firstborn of the dead, and our High Priest
Jesus is unfathomably powerful
Jesus’ Holiness is immense
Revelation Ch 1 is about Jesus and the Church
We are Sons and priests and of and to Christ.

Revelation is important/valid because of who Christ is.

John Introduces the text as the revelation of Jesus Christ, given by God. This message came not from man but from God, delivered by Jesus and written by John. Who, as we know, was with Jesus himself, and also his brother. John here in the 3rd person says he bore witness to Jesus, making him known to all by …show more content…

From here we infer that Jesus was the first dead to be born, and others therefore follow. From scriptures we understand the sonship we receive as sons and daughters due to Christ, who loved us enough to shed his own blood. Revelation tells us He set up a kingdom. Just as Jesus said he did, though it was not of this world.
And as His children we are priests to God. 1 Peter ch 2 tells us how we are from a royal Priesthood. Romans 8 tells us of our adoption as sons. While these topics are entire passages in themselves, the compacted Theology and Soteriology here are essential to understand why there even is a book of revelation in the holy scriptures? We read the Revelation came to John via Jesus by God himself. And before we read of what was revealed, we read of him! To him, Jesus is all things. Because of Jesus, Revelation is important. Jesus is the start of this book, and he is too at the end.
Throughout Revelation we will find calamity, and John will keep pointing us to the only solution. He who shed his blood for our sins, conquered death and brought us into sonship and priesthood. Jesus, whom John now will see in glory.

Gen …show more content…

John was on Patmos, where historians believe he was exiled. His language here supports this,” patient endurance” and “on account of the word of God and testimony of Jesus.”

Not Entirely sure what verse 10 means, but it by context means he was influenced by the Holy Spirit. During this he heard then saw. He heard a voice, and was instructed to write. This may call to mind Daniel and Ezekiel. When Daniel was by the river of Babylon(and also in exile).
Forget not the enormity of the situation, as hearing then seeing things clearly not by what we understand this earth to give, we must remember he was in the presence of something holy. Daniel 10
Daniel has a vision of the son of man vs 5 &6

12-16 Daniel and Ezikiel give similar language, and it seems Daniel himself met this same being, which we are told in revelation is Christ himself. Our Lord was here before Daniel in such glory, John, one who had been with Jesus, one who had seen Jesus transfigured, could not handle such a grand