Revere Hill Park Short Story

222 Words1 Pages
Beacon Hill park was beautiful that day, the sun warmly shined and the tall pine trees swayed slightly in the cool breeze.
Kari, my grandmother decided to enjoy the beauty of Beacon Hill park by going for an afternoon stroll with her small, fluffy dog, Buttons.
Kari was tall, and had short golden hair, big blue eyes and a lovely smile.
Buttons was a funny little dog he wanted to play with any creature big or small. Off they went to explore the wonders of the park.
They passed a gorgeous flower bed over flowing with pink, white, yellow and red Roses, Tulips of every colour, yellow vibrant daffodils.
The flower bed was bordered by wonderfully accented geraniums.
The aroma was intoxicating.
They ventured on and to Buttons delight they

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