
Reverend Hale Character Analysis

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Many have said that honesty is the best policy but distractions such as attention and power can quickly make someone forget about that important life motto. Fortunately, there are honest people in our lives such as priests, parents, teachers etc. that help keep the world running smoothly; but even those people can make lousy choices. Passion can lead people to do a number of things, good or bad, and these seemingly perfect people are no exception. However, remission is possible through time and effort taken to make a change. Changing is not impossible but it is not easy. Reverend John Hale is passionate about fighting the devil but becomes greatly overwhelmed by the recognition and power bestowed upon him by the people of Salem. Most people have good intentions for their actions but even then they can have unintended consequences. Reverend Hale is a man who has dedicated his life to researching and fighting all forces of witchcraft but has never gotten an opportunity to put his skills to work. Finally, after years of waiting and improving his skills, Hale is called to Salem to provide an expert opinion on their witch situation. Although “Hale conceives himself …show more content…

Reverend Parris is the first person to request Hale’s knowledge, asking him to investigate his daughter Betty. Hale is delighted to help but clearly states “I shall not proceed unless you are prepared to believe me if I should find no bruise of hell upon her” (Miller 1146), strengthening his true purpose, finding the truth. In addition, Hale states “The Devil is precise; the marks of his presence are definite as stone”(Miller 1146) ensuring he does not want to assume witchcraft where it is not present. He is thorough in his work; careful not to make any harmful mistakes. As the play progresses, Hale becomes more of a hero to the townspeople and his ego only grows with

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