Reverend Hale Quotes From The Crucible

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condemned for their attempt, mostly due to the section in Revelations in the Bible that states that there are witches, and that all witches must not live. The accused that do not admit are hung since they are basically going against the word of God that there are no witches. The fact that innocent people are dying for reasons the bible tries to prove reasonable when it is clearly not gives Hale a good enough reason to quit the court. He wants no part of a court that kills innocent people unlike Reverend Parris, who is more worried about his own reputation instead of innocent people’s necks breaking by the noose. He does not want to work with judges that cannot see that people are admitting to something they didn’t do just to save their own …show more content…

Reverend Hale looks at his job much differently. He no longer takes pride in his line of work, but now is more ashamed and it is clear that he is. He even tells Goody Proctor to “Cleave to no faith when faith brings blood” (Miller 234). He recognizes that he came with a wrong reason, but now he believes that his duty is to make right what has gone wrong in Salem. He realizes that survival is most important above all else and that it is human nature for people to do whatever it takes to survive, and that he was blinded by the literal meaning of the bible. In Act 2, he even states to Elizabeth “It is mistaken law that leads you to sacrifice. Life, woman, life is God's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it… it may well be God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride” (Miller 234). This realization of what people will do to survive and that no one was actually affiliated with witchcraft supports both his leaving of the court system in Salem and his questioning of the Bibles