Review And Critically Appraise My Learning To Improve Communication

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Communication is “a process that involves a meaningful exchange between at least two people to convey facts, needs, opinions, thoughts, feelings or other information through both verbal and non-verbal means, including face-to-face exchanges and the written word” (DH, 2010, p. 7). This assignment will review and critically appraise my learning from a communication event previously discussed and will show how I have applied my learning to improve communication with a different service user using “Using Borton’s (1970) What? So What? Now What? model of reflection” (The Open Univerisity, 2017a) What? To discover ‘what’ was learned in my previous communication experience I have reviewed my previous communication event. I was pleased with the feedback given by my tutor however I now realise I should have focused more on the topic of communication rather than the actual event. I also need to work on the area of assessing body language, using information from the Nursing Midwifery Council (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015a) and using or being aware of Alternative and augmentative communication tools (ACC tools) for future events. …show more content…

I have become more experienced using ACC tools in different settings such as learning disabilities with the Picture Exchange Communication System (Resources, 2017a) and a paediatric ward setting where a child could express how much pain they were in using a smiley/sad face range

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