Review Of Alexander's Response To The Mutiny At Opis '

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When somebody is selfish, they prioritize themselves and their dreams, just like Alexander. Alexander was very selfish in many aspects; one of his selfish acts was wanting to have a leadership role and wanting to be called a ruler. In “Alexander the Great: Response to the Mutiny at Opis” Alexander utilized logos and pathos to move the audience to address his soldiers and regain their loyalty. Alexander uses Ehtos to say ”I'll begin, as is right, with my father, Philip. When he found you, you were mere peasants, wearing hides, tending a few sheep on the mountain slopes, and you could barely defend them from your neighbors. Under him, you began living in cities, with good laws and customs. And he turned you from slaves into rulers over those very barbarians who used to plunder your land.”(2) Alexander expresses how dishonest they would be if they chose to abandon him. …show more content…

They did not have proper clothing, so they used animal hair to make their clothes to cover their body. They were weak and had no strength, almost hopeless. Over time, as Alexander's father Philip expanded Macedon’s territory, they soon became richer. Their society also became more civilized. Alexander spoke about this because Alexander’s soldiers were upset, the soldiers felt like they were being pushed away. During 324 BCE Alexander wanted to be ruler of the Persians, when he became ruler of the Persians he started to adopt some of their ways and habits. He also took the Persians soldiers and made them his own, because of this his other soldiers felt as if they were getting replaced. His soldiers were upset and frustrated because of this, Alexander replaced them

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