This paper is a review of criticisms about the Louisiana Governor Huey P. Long. The actions in which can be considered crooked or ethical. For starters Huey P. Long was a democrat, populist, capitalist and political boss. Many disagreed, and some agreed with Longs decisions for Louisiana, opinions were broken up into the poor and wealthy. The poor thought he was a common man who swept into power my large majorities. The poor agreed with him more and thought he was a champion. Long often used the law against the people by pushing for a few bills from his campaign promises, including a free textbook program for schoolchildren, night courses for adults and piping natural gas for New Orleans. To pay for these programs Long taxed oil operators, …show more content…
The wealthy thought Long was a dangerous man who could have what he wanted and when he wanted. Long was publicly criticized in the media for being a demagogue and dictator. He raised taxes on them forcing the rich to pay more than the poor. They disagreed with the “Share Our Wealth” plan which was designed to provide a decent standard living to all Louisiana residents by spreading the wealth among all people. It was a radical redistribution of wealth and confiscatory taxes. The plan limited personal income to 1 million dollars and inheritance to 5 million. The rich did not like the fact that their money was being taken. Huey P. Long was very charismatic and dominated virtually every governing institution in Louisiana. He used that power to help expand programs for underdeveloped infrastructure and social services. Both the poor and rich benefitted in the long run. Without him we would not have the things we have today such as bridges, free elementary and high school education and hospitals. All Long wanted was the wealth and power of each Louisiana resident who was wealthy to be divided among of every resident who was poor. Today, we have safe roads and