Review Of 'The Correspondence Of Abigail Adams On Women's Rights'

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The American Revolution was a monumental turning point for those in the states because it allowed the colonists to separate from the regime of Great Britain. There were many victories that materialized as a result of the American Revolution. As a newly independent nation, the United States of America was no longer obligated to comply to the laws of Great Britain, and the idea that all men are created equal became set in stone. However, despite these new ideals, the American Revolution cannot be considered revolutionary due to the fact that both women and African Americans were continued to be treated as inferior to white males, similarly to how they were before the revolution. Whether or not the Revolutionary War was revolutionary can be …show more content…

This document shows that the new world was too reliant on the old world, which meant there needed to be change so that the colonists no longer had to abide by English law. “The Correspondence of Abigail Adams on Women’s Rights” is an article published in the Harvard University Press that contains a series of letters exchanged by Abigail Adams and her Husband John Adams, as well as exchanges between Abigail Adams and Mercy Otis Warren, between March and May of 1776. Abigail Adam’s motivations behind her letters were due to the fact that men were seen has far superior to women. John Adams essentially responding saying that men should be taken more seriously than women, implies that during the time of the war, women and men were not viewed as equals. “Liberating Indentured Servants” was written on January 24th, 1784 for the New York Independent Journal. This article stated that after the American Revolution, all white indentured servants were freed and viewed as equals to other white men. This article implies that after separating from the English regime, the idea that “all men were created equal” began to unfold and become a reality. …show more content…

For example, women felt as though they did not have enough of a voice, which led to some trying to fight for their rights, including Abigail Adams, who unfortunately was one of the very few female political writers of the time. She states that men are only “proclaiming peace and goodwill to men” and are retaining “absolute power over Wives.” Men, like John Adams, only mock in return, and claim that men should be the only ones in power, creating greater tensions between both women and men. In addition to the greater tensions of women, there are greater tensions between races that develop more too due to the increase in slavery. This eventually leads to slaves petitioning the government in order for them to fight for their rights. Fortunately, a solution known as Gradual Emancipation led to a decline in slavery in the north. This new system would ensure that slaves were to remain, but when the current generation of that time seized to exist, then slavery would as well. However, the necessity of slaves doubling in the south would counter that plan and would instead lead to an overall increase in slavery in the United