Review Of Triangle The Fire That Changed America By David Von Drehle

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Triangle The Fire That Changed America is a book written by David Von Drehle. He is the author of many books and works as a journalist for the Washington Post. This book is about how many disasters were going on in the 1900s. That there were many issues and conflicts going on at the time. Then came one of the “deadliest workplace disasters in New York history” that was said to be the most significant too (Drehle, 2003, p. 3). This monograph explains that there was so much poverty that the owners of companies were starting to hire women because they could pay them less than they did the men. It also elucidates how the reforms started up after the dissensions with society. The thesis of the book is that this fire was the most “crucial moment …show more content…

The author mainly used primary sources so he could have valid facts of witnesses who were present when these occurrences happened. For example, he states, “‘the most famous art creation of this century, or any century’” (Drehle, 2003, p. 46). Those are one of the many primary sources he uses and for this one he uses it in order to use more evidence to support his point. Then, with the secondary source he uses other books and articles to be able to add more to his argument. In the article, Never Forget the Triangle Factory Fire—It's Why We Have Unions by Kevin Baker states, “...making it one of the deadliest disasters in New York City history” (Baker, 2015, p.1). That is similar to what Drehle’s thesis is because of how they say the fire was deadly and made history in New York. Another article is, The Fire Last Time by Peter Dreier and Donald Cohen. It states, “We forget important lessons, and repeat old mistakes” (Dreier and Cohen, 2011, p. 1). This is different than what Drehle’s main thesis was because Dreier and Cohen’s focus is that people forget the significant mistakes made and repeat them. Furthermore, the thesis of this book is proven by the author. He uses many details of the things that occurred during the fire to demonstrate how horrific this disaster was. For example, he states,