Rhetorical Analysis: Is The Bacon At Mcdonald's Dangerous?

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Is bacon actually harmful? Is the bacon at Mcdonald's dangerous? According to the World Health Organization bacon and other processed meat cause cancer. Many authors will write a formal article to spread this message. However, in the article, Bacon gives you cancer. Or does it?, the author Rex Huppke utilizes humour, satire, and undertone to deliver his message. He actually makes fun of Americans by indirectly saying that we they are obsessed with meats and unhealthy living. A big component of his article is humour. Throughout the piece Huppke uses humour to allow the passage to flow and be well understood. For example, he states, “Shut up, World Health Organization. Shut your stupid, baconless mouth.” This humour is specifically a repartee which allows the reader to stay engaged. The reader stays interested in the piece because it uses words, to create insults making the reader laugh. However, this also allows Huppke’s message to come out. Before the quote he says, “On behalf of all Americans…” this little clause shows the …show more content…

It shows the foolishness of Americans, because their thought process surrounds their own wants. They point out other small flaws that will make the opposite party look foolish allowing them to act upon their wants. Today twitter is a big social media site; people around the globe are using it to get their message across. The WHO does the same; however, a small error has been made. In their message about processed meats: flavor is spelled wrong. Here Huppke excites, “WHO THE HELL SPELLS ‘FLAVOR’ WITH A ‘U’?” Sure, this is a stupid mistake, but it’s such a small mistake. Huppke is making fun of Americans because they would use this as an excuse to say, “well the organization is obviously not trustable.” He presents that Americans tend to find excuses, small or big, to keep them from accepting the truth. Which in this case is that processed meat, specifically bacon, is harmful for our human