
Rhetorical Analysis Of Emma Watson's Speech

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“If not me, who? If not now, when?” The quote, repeatedly said by Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women, Emma Watson, was her main point in her campaign speech. The speech was given on September 20, 2014 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Watson discussed the modern day issue of gender equality and feminism; she wanted to invite men into realizing gender equality is their issue too, not just for women and also wanted to explain the controversial definition of feminism. Emma Watson promotes the HeForShe Campaign as she brings attention to the issue of feminism and gender equality. This important promotion shows awareness to society’s supposed equality among men and women. Emma Watson starts out her speech by announcing who she is and why she is there. This, and her confidence, establishes her creditability. Watson also talks about her experiences growing up and realizing that she wasn’t getting the same treatment as her male siblings, friends, etc. This shows that she has experienced the issue and it proves to the audience that she does know what she is talking about. She makes it clear that she feels strongly about the topic and knows that she can make a difference in the world by talking about. Even …show more content…

She references to Hilary Clinton’s famous speech in Beijing about women’s rights in 1997. She talks about how many of the things that Clinton wanted to change still exist today; she also talks about how when women’s rights is a topic of discussion, most of the audiences are filled with females, not males. Seeing that females are the majority of the audiences when women’s rights are a topic, Watson wants to get men to realize that they are victims of gender equality too, not just women. Because men aren’t as interested in these issues as women are, Watson finds that formally inviting them to join the issue could possibly fix the

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