Rhetorical Analysis Of A Letter To North Korea

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As a college student, I am immediately drawn to the class that demonstrates ethos and logos. My senior year in high school, I had an economics teacher that knew absolutely everything, econ related or not. Any question I had, he would know the answer and give me a full-on explanation with sources backing it up. I trusted his answers because he showed both ethos and logos. I was drawn to your letter because I am a concerned US citizen who interested in the secretive North Korea. Upon reading your letter, I noticed that you did not have strong rhetoric, which is vital to any paper or letter. Overall, your letter to the editor fails. Your logos and ethos seem to suffer due to illogical reasoning, multiple fallacies, and lack of evidence. Your pathos however seems to be working in your favor, but it is not enough to save your letter. The use of logic and reason was poor because you do not have enough evidence supporting your claim. You have presented me with absolutely zero facts. All you have is a non-cited anecdote about the border guard escaping from North Korea to South …show more content…

Talking about how the border guard was one of the best treated people yet, he still had parasites made me feel sympathy not only for him, but everyone else in the country who is not treated as well as him. Your language choices in the sentence “But Trumps’ critics should remember that Kim is a classic bully who, like his father and grandfather before him, has successfully bullied the United States and the rest of the world for years, as well as brutalizing his own people” works well for pathos. The terms “bully” and “brutalize” made me feel sad, until I realized it was biased language. You also used the word “defector” when describing this border guard which hurt your pathos. This makes me think of him as a traitor, which makes me not connect emotionally with