How Does Lord Chesterfield Educate His Son

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In this passage written by Lord Chesterfield, he talks to his son and the evolution of the English language, being advanced in his diction and descriptive in his phrasing. Along with those two strategies, he uses pathos to show the emotions of a father towards a son and the virtues he wants his son to learn throughout his journey to adulthood.

The reader is informed that this letter Lord Chesterfield wrote was for his son who was younger, but the reader did not know what age the young boy was. Throughout the letter, Lord Chesterfield uses an advanced diction such as, “... moroseness… imperviousness… garrulity… conducive… emulation…” With this knowledge, the readers has an understanding that Lord Chesterfield wanted to use this advanced diction educate his young son to learn more diction. That way his son could start using more complex words in school or in the real world to get farther. Lord Chesterfield wants his son to be as advanced as possible, so he can be admired and get ahead start on his writing skills. Nowadays, students rely too much on technology that it’s hard for them to learn advanced words. Back then, you either were taught in school or learned about it in books; Lord Chesterfield wanted to help his son in this process.

One strategy that is obvious to the reader throughout the letter is pathos, what is a father and son relationship without pathos. Lord Chesterfield in his letter says, “I only mean to advise you as a friend.” This is a definite