Animation began as simple pencil drawings accumulated to create a seamless moving image and later advanced to what we see today on the big screens: highly advanced visual details and effects created in 3D rather than 2D. With every advancement and change there will be changes behind the scenes as well. In the article “Problems within Animation Industry” by Min Young Kim, she argues there are repercussions for the technological advances in the animation field, but does not execute her argument well in means of rhetorical effectiveness. In the article Min Young Kim argues that though the animation field has advanced over the years, that advancement has negatively affected those who work in the field. She states her main key points to support her claim are layoffs and studio closures. The most prominent rhetorical strategy the author uses would be the appeal to ethos. Kim …show more content…
Kim’s tone overall is blunt and bitter which leads to a straight forth approach, but the reason behind her tone is lacking. This makes her credibility to anything she says unstable and seem like an opinion rather than fact. She gives facts but follows them by dramatic warnings to the reader to appeal to their emotions and make them worry about those employed in the animation field. But with not enough evidence to support her claims the warnings fall through. If she had given more evidence to each statement and claim it would have more effectively backed up what she said. For example, Kim gives brief facts about the number of layoffs in one company but this is not sufficient evidence to support the claim that layoffs are a result of the advancing field. She gives evidence to more layoffs in another company as well but does not give evidence to support it is a direct result of the advances in the animation