George Saunders’ speech to the graduating Syracuse class of 2013 emphasized the message of being kind to one another. He made a point of his own personal experience saying that one thing he regrets is not being kinder to a young girl who was picked on for her habits. This story leads into Saunders’ message about being more mindful of others and their feelings. Saunders’ message to the students who are just about to entire the “real world” is to introduce kindness and compassion. He believed that while mankind is born with a sense of selfishness and the notion the we individually are the center of the universe kindness can change that. Kindness does come with age according to Saunders, but that should not stop a young college graduate from focusing their mindset on being compassionate. Saunders conceived the idea that kindness can change the world and start the revolution of selflessness. …show more content…
Wallace related with his audience by providing a daily situation in which he is able to reveal to the students his idea on the individual mindset. Just because you had a rough day at work does not mean that others aren’t dealing with a similar or worse situation. His message is that we can control our outlook on life. If someone believes they are the center of the universe, then that is all they shall worry about. But if we can open up our minds to think about the struggles other people face in their day-to-day lives, we may understand that we may not be suffering in comparison to the others around us. Wallace reiterates time and time again that he is not telling these students how they should think; he is reminding them they have to power to change they way the think and view the