1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address Analysis Every election year, a national convention is held with both major parties, Democrats and Republicans. The main purpose of a national convention is to delegate the votes to choose the best-fit nominee as candidate for the election. At conventions, a keynote speech is addressed to deliver a certain tone of a core message and its relevance to an event. One of the most famous keynote addresses from a major party was the 1976 Democratic National Convention by Barbara Charline Jordan. This is significant because she was the first African-American to deliver a speech at the national convention. Within her speech, Jordan effectively displays many rhetorical strategies of anecdote, synecdoche, pathos, and eponym to persuade the American public that the Democratic Party …show more content…
Within the beginning of her address, Jordan inserts, “A lot of years have passed since 1832, and during that time it would have been unusual for any national party to ask Barbara Jordan to deliver a keynote address. I feel that notwithstanding the past, my presence here is one additional bit of evidence that the American Dream need not forever be deferred.” Jordan places that special recognition of the progress the Democratic Party has made to being more inclusive within their system. The persuasion of inclusivity can allow many American voters to change their perspective on the Democratic Party; thus, encouraging the audience at the convention to make the best choice by voting for a fit nominee for the next President of the United States. Using an anecdotes, it demonstrated empathy towards the audience to show the progression of the Democratic Party they’ve diverted to being more inclusive and equal. The next rhetorical strategy Jordan uses to convey her message is synecdoche. Jordan sympathizes with, “We are a people in quandary about the