
Rhetorical Analysis Of The Writing Of Hamilton

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In 1787 the future of the United States of America remained unclear as the founding fathers attempted to find a form of government to satisfy the nation. At the Constitutional Convention the men gathered formed an idea for a new government. However, not everyone present agreed with the newly proposed constitution and two groups formed, the federalists, who were pro-constitution, and the antifederalists, who opposed the constitution. Because the Constitution needed to be ratified by nine of the thirteen states to become law the two groups wrote essays to defend their stance and persuade the people to join their ideology. Hamilton used a relatable rhetoric with simple language that involved the readers in a personal relationship to persuade them …show more content…

When comparing Hamilton’s federalist essays with his account of the hurricane that hit his home the language varies in its intricacies. In Hamilton’s account of the hurricane he used very eloquent language and gave off a tone of trying to impress the readers. The tone of trying to impress remains in Hamilton’s essays through his vast knowledge of politics but he uses much simpler language in order for the people of New York to understand the ideas he presented. In Hamilton’s essays he makes his audience, the people of New York, very clear because he lives in New York and the state’s population is predominantly antifederalist. All of Hamilton’s essays begin by addressing the paper to the people of New York. Hamilton used the greeting in order to form a connection with the people of New York so they would have a more personable ideal of Hamilton. The people of New York, in the rural areas, are predominantly antifederalist which is why Hamilton felt the need to talk specifically to New …show more content…

In the 15th essay of the federalist papers Hamilton addresses his audience as his “fellow citizens” which brings Hamilton down to the same level as the readers. The use of terms to refer to the audience helps the audience form a connection to Hamilton. The reader will see Hamilton refer to them as a fellow citizen which helps remove a stereotype of Hamilton, that he believed himself lofty and above everyone else. The image of Hamilton elevating himself embedded itself in rural areas where the people did not think highly of the city people. By using a term like fellow citizens it gives the idea that Hamilton is one with the readers. By relating himself with the readers Hamilton also paints himself as a concerned citizen who just wants the best for his

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