Rhetorical Analysis: The Bachelorette

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Media Literacy Journal 1: Intended Audience Littered with behind the scene looks, final interviews, spoilers and deleted scenes; The Bachelorette site is clearly intended to intrigue a wide audience of women. With access to never before seen footage, women are compelled to step into the shoes of the beloved cast members and experience the making of the show. Although watching the show and surfing the site is free, the extravagance of the show is tailored to a certain class of wealth. With the constant trend of Caucasian contestants and Bachelorettes’, this has a repercussion of how the audience views The Bachelorettes racial diversity. With implications of sex and the certain level of raunchiness, there is a definite target age restriction for viewing. Lastly with the lack of multiple advertisements on the website, this speaks volumes of the reputation and image that ABC network is trying to uphold with their television series. For either those of whom are looking for love, or others whom are just captivated by the drama that unfolds. …show more content…

The CASA ad represents the “good” nature and type of reputation the show holds with their charitable work. There isn’t a form of successful creativity, with the simple logo and no further information. There isn’t really a sense of materialism, as this is a charitable foundation in support of troubled children. The representation of human equality and how children are the future is shown in the idea to help support and save children in need. There is a lack of convenience, as the process of donation is long, and there is no link towards the website. The fact that this charity is featured as the only ad on such a popular website, can be in a sense social connectivity. By analysing the ad, the pop of blue in a dominantly red screen draws the eye. But the lack of information on the ad does not help in the convenience or promotion of the

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