
Rhetorical Precis For The Things They Carried

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Riya Vinodkumar
English 11
May 22nd 2023
Rhetorical Analysis of The Things They Carried
“The Things They Carried” is a collection of short stories taking place during the Vietnam War, written by author Tim O’Brien. In essence, this book blends together the opposing worlds of fact and fiction to create an impression of love and fear for its readers. The stories are woven together in such a way that not only does the author delve into the physical scars of the war left on these men, but also the psychological trauma carried by these soldiers. Tim O’Brien skillfully discusses the quagmire of truths from these stories and the memories of the people in it.
Bright language and vivid imagery in this book creates a picture perfect setting …show more content…

Tim showcases these feelings through this quote, ““If at the end of a war story, you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste…then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie….” (O’Brien 68). The book’s title is apparent throughout the book as the soldiers are shown having various objects that they carried through the war in Vietnam. Tim states how, “… It is safe to say that in a true war story, nothing is ever absolutely true… Sometimes war is beautiful, sometimes it is horrible…” O’Brien (82). Tim shows the reader a plethora of experiences that each soldier had, whether it be sad or happy, and how it affected them individually in different ways. As O’Brien describes the tangibles, he also discusses the different objects each soldier had whilst they were on their tour. Tim states how, “…every third or fourth person carried a Claymore antipersonnel mine – 3.5 pounds with its firing device…they carried fragmentation grenades – 14 ounces each…they all carried at least one M-18 colored smoke grenade – 24 ounces…” (O’Brien 7). Repetition is utilized throughout this quote and is used to engross the reader about what the true setting and circumstances were for the soldiers. This lets the reader become an active listener as they hone into what the author is trying to say by shining a light on just how prepared the soldiers were for

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