Rhetorical Techniques Used In Advertising

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We live in a society full of commercialism. With marketing companies competing with one another to sell their products, they must produce the most appealing advertisements to attract the consumer. Adults and children are exposed to many advertisements on a daily basis, from television to magazines to billboards. These all use many rhetorical strategies and ideologies to gain the audience’s attention. In advertisements there are hidden tactics to promote their products and appeal to the consumer. One very popular technique used by these companies is sex. Sexual appeal is huge marketing tactic in our society and many advertisements definitely promote “sex sells” in their advertisements. For instance, Carl’s Jr. commercials and advertisements …show more content…

Sexualizing advertisements are a successful technique to lure the consumer’s attention to the brand, either by desire of the woman’s sexuality or by objectifying young girls and women, which can cause the degrading of women. These advertisements teach young girls and women that they only exist to be looked at and they must judge themselves by their sexual desirability to others instead of their own health. These sexualizing ads can cause life-threatening habits such as depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem, shame, and violence towards women. In 99 percent of Carl’s Jr. commercials, advertisements, or billboards there is a very attracted model or celebrity, eating the famous burger. Carl’s Jr. persuades their consumers and gain their audience’s attention by using these very attractive models and celebrities to get a reaction from men and make them want to buy their food products. In this specific Carl’s Jr. advertisement Paris Hilton is being used to sell their new spicy six dollar burger. She is known for her television shows, perfumes, for being sexy, partying, and often wearing risqué clothing. Paris Hilton is the heiress of the Hilton family, the founders …show more content…

In our society women are targeted on a daily basis in advertisements. We constantly see stereotypes of women. These ads portray what women are “suppose” to look like. According to Jean Kilbourne, a feminist scholar, “Women’s bodies are dismembered in ads, hacked apart – just one part of the body is focused upon, which of course is the most dehumanizing thing you could do to someone. Everywhere we look, women’s bodies have been turned into things and often just parts of things. Our girls are getting the message these days just at a young age that they need to be impossibly beautiful. Hot, sexy, extremely thin. They also get the message that they’re going to fail, there’s no way they’re going to really achieve it” (Killing Us Softly 4). Due to these sexually explicit advertisements many people believe women are supposed to be sexy, tall, and skinny and have a nice body because these are the only women being chosen for these advertisements. These advertisements tell us who we are and who we should be.” Only five percent of women have the body type that is idealized and one in five teenagers has an eating disorder. Carl’s Jr. continues to show models and celebrities with these “perfect” and “normal” bodies, however not a single advertisement displays the women’s accomplishments but simply their body’s which represent women in a

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