Richard Nixon The Greatest Silent Majority Rhetorical Analysis

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Richard Nixon gives the speech “The Greatest Silent Majority” during the Vietnamese war to convince Americans to support South Vietnam in their war against the communist takeover from North Vietnam. To specify, the speech directs primarily to the Silent Majority, the people who oppose the Vietnamese war. Throughout the speech, Nixon uses rhetorical appeals to support the freedom of South Vietnam state the reasons why America should remain in the war. In 1955, communist North Vietnam wants to reunite the North and South and has the support of China along with the rebellious South Vietnam army creating a war in Asia. In 1969, Nixon became the thirty-seventh president. Fourteen years into the war, some Americans want Nixon to end United States …show more content…

When speaking about North Vietnam, he says “They murdered more than 50,000 people, and hundreds of thousands more died in slave labor camps” (Nixon). He specifically uses this fact because it is tragic and he hopes that Americans will stand with him. He urges Americans to stop the “bloody reign of terror” that the North has brought by villainizing North Vietnam, making Americans want to siege their power. (Nixon). Nixon says, “3,000 civilians were clubbed, shot to death, and buried in the mass grave” expose the way South Vietnamese people are treated so that Americans will want to help those suffering. Nixon gives horrifying imagery to create sadness in the audience members. Nixon expects that audience members will feel ethically pushed to help the suffering people. To describe the effects of leaving war, he says “This would cost more lives. It would not bring peace. It would bring more war” (Nixon). Nixon says “The more support I can have from the American people, the sooner that pledge can be redeemed”, claiming that the war will be ended sooner if Americans support his decisions using the people's’ interest of ending the war quickly to receive support. Nixon the feeling of patriotism to rally the audience members. The word “Americans” creates a sense of nationalistic pride in the audience along with the phrase “We Americans” (Nixon). These phrases distinguishes the United States from other countries by suggesting that America is unique and capable. Nixon later uses the glittering generalities “peace” and “freedom” to emphasize that South Vietnamese people want something that is ethically