Rick Deckard Character Essay

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[Discovering Deckard: Understanding a Character’s Development] Changing and aspiring to be a greater version of yourself has been the goal of most people for a major part of their life. Either becoming better at their career or finding their true self and meaning on this planet. David Brooks’, The Road to Character takes this into two different categories, labeling them Adam 1 and Adam 2. In other words, Adam 1 is focused on the career side of life, therefore wanting to build his social his outward appearance to the world. Adam 2, on the other hand, is very centrally focused. He is wanting to explore his morality and love. The two characters Brooks provided allows us to make judgements not only on our own life, but it also lets us on characters we read in books or watch on television. Dick Philip’s book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep presents the character Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter, as the protagonist in the story. Rick Deckard’s life changes in one day from being a …show more content…

When he returns home from retiring all the androids he finds his goat has been killed. Instead of being selfish and taking revenge he flies to the wasteland alone. My point is not that Rick did not take revenge, but that he has become someone who has deeper sense of morals than at the beginning. Rick has become a much more apparent Adam 2 than Adam 1. However, the final few moments of Rick Deckard involves him bringing home a toad. This is most likely just a clincher Philip was using, but it is worth noting. Comparing Adam 1 and Adam 2 to Rick Deckard throughout the book allows us to see the changes he went through internally. He began as an Adam 1 and transferred to an Adam 2. Changing to a different version of yourself may come to you as it did Rick and a life changing event alters your take on life, or you can slowly work from one point to another. A common goal of people is to be the best possible person you