Ride Along Reflection

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“Are you sure you want to do this?” was a common question when on my ride-alongs with officers of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department Eastway Division. The only answer I could give was “yes,” usually followed up with the question, “Not going to change your answer?” More often than not I would reply with hesitation. As the weeks of my internship wore on the hesitation became more frequent as I began to truly evaluate my answers. With more experience, my answers consisted of a complicated equation of right and wrong that correlated with my motives for pursuing a career in law enforcement. During my experience at Eastway, my primary duties consisted of checking in with the Detectives to see if they had assignments or tasks that required …show more content…

The different personalities of all of the officers of CMPD makes it a diverse agency and allowed me to take advantage of different perspectives. The ride-alongs that I attended were unique and the stories I heard were as well. I took advantage of each ride-along to ask questions in order to draw on vast knowledge, advice, and opinion that each officer could provide. There is no sugar coating the blunt opinions and the amusing back stories that I was privy to, it was like a book I never wanted to put down. I also took advantage of doing a ride-along with the Aviation Unit and it did not fail me despite being branded a ride-along. During each ride-along, I familiarized myself with the technology that has evolved in making the community a safer place because each technology is advanced in fulfilling the duties that CMPD set out for. Overall, this internship allowed me to explore the numerous strengths and weaknesses that I have as an individual. One officer made a comment, which I choose to take as a compliment that changed how I perceive myself and how it will affect me as I continue on this career path. She pointed out a flaw in me in a manner that allowed me to acknowledge and accept it. She told me I need to be more assertive. Taking this into consideration, I appreciated the valuable knowledge, resources, stories, and advice that I have been afforded by the generosity of

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