Right Of Choice Research Paper

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People have the right of choice. The ability to make a choice is something that is a right of every American. To be able to have the choice of whether or not to have an abortion should not be dictated by higher authority. American women have the right to choose and should be able to control their bodies and the decision that affects their lives. When the leaders of America begin to agree on the ideals of it’s citizens, society becomes much more stable and that the the American culture benefitted from the Roe v Wade Decision. The American populace lives with ability to raise one child how the parents believe should be raised. The issue arises when the child does not have the proper guidance or necessary fundamentals to grow up in life to be taught right from wrong. Most of this crime results from adults whom have had terrible lives as children and have corrupted society with their influence. A study shows that, “legalization abortion would have a person to be 50 percent more likely than the average to live in poverty; there would have also been 60 percent more likely to grow up with just one parent. These two factors childhood poverty and a single-parent household are among the strongest predictors that a child will have a criminal future” (Levitt …show more content…

The tension would lead to all-out battles and oppositions that do not benefit either side. Nicolae Ceausescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party, was against the idea of legalized abortion. He fought against the legalization of abortion until he was assassinated for his cause by the opposition. “On that day, crime rate just about at its peak in the United States” (Levitt 119). Due to the fighting against the people and their ideals about abortion, crime rate shot-off-the-roof and many leader who lost supported the ban lost their lives; especially the ones who support the

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