Rikki-Tavi By Rudyard Kipling: Character Analysis

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In the story ‘Rikki-tikki-tavi” written by Rudyard Kipling, a mongoose, known as Rikki-Tikki, is found almost dead. A boy named Teddy takes him in and lets him stay in their comfy bungalow. Nagaina and Nag, two snakes that live near the house, are a threat to the garden and Teddy. He needs to defeat them to save Teddy. He shows to be fast, strong, and brave during his struggle to save the family. Rikki proves he his fast by catching up to Nagaina and diving into her hole after battling her for the boy.“...the instants delay brought rikki up to her” “Rikki-tikki knew he must catch her or all the trouble would begin again”(26). He knew that he needed to run harder and faster than he had ever run before to make sure that the ugly snake would

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