Rim's Executive Summary

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RIM should compete in the smart phone market positioning itself as a niche supplier for business users. This could be leveraged using RIM’s strong brand, loyal customer base and a strategic software partner, Google, to offer a business mobile platform as part of a two-sided market strategy. Blackberry should embrace Android’s operating system and develop a strategic partnership with Google to attend the business users. Google has been trying to make profit from the phone industry and also has been trying to expand and compete with Microsoft for business solutions. Google’s approach of distributing the operating system increased the number of application developers and expanded the adoption of android by other mobile phones manufactures giving …show more content…

With a strategy of building a value proposition for business throughout a mobile platform offer with Google will regain the customer base and add value to both companies. Bring to the market a strong and safe platform for business mobility, security, communication and business solutions for collaboration, planning, meeting, organizers and many other solutions from within and outside the enterprise’s wall will build a strong relationship among users, enterprises and platform supplier. As a campaign for the launch of the platform a market position will be addressed to consistently show customers that Blackberry is back to attend business needs, using the best open technology by Google that goes beyond a personal smart phone, it is a real business mobile, a business on-the-go. Rim once made the internet mobile, now, with Google it will make the business mobile. The vast number of existing apps suppliers for Android will naturally bring to the Blackberry/Google new platform a vast number of applications for feeds, social media, gaming and other functions what will overcome barriers for business users that need incremented entertainment and extra

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