Ripley Essay

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A competitive analysis in general, is important to understand the market a company is trying to enter and furthermore to distinguish oneself from the competition. Furthermore, a market strategy can develop interesting insights of the competitions strategies and processes. To develop the right communication strategy for the brand Ripley´s an awareness concerning the competition can be of great importance. The aim of a communication strategy is to create overall awareness of the brand and product, specially within the chosen target group. After intensive research, it became clear, that there is almost no direct competition to Ripley´s. Within the German book market there are little similar, or comparable books for children, most kids’ …show more content…

Marketing Strategy As mentioned in the beginning of this paper, the overall goal of this project is to develop a strategy to introduce Ripley´s to the German market. Therefore, the task was to develop a marketing / communication strategy to sell the books to the chosen target group. The goal that has been set by Ripley´s is to sell 20.000 books in the first year. Nevertheless, the campaigns purpose is not only to drive book sells but also to introduce the brand and therefore create awareness within the German public. To achieve the required goals, I thought of a campaign that brings Ripley´s back to its roots. The founder of Ripley´s, Robert Ripley, used to travel the whole world to show his treasures. His goal was to show the whole world his collection of the abnormal. The proposed campaign will be based on a roadshow. The Ripley´s roadshow Truck will travel through Germany, in form of a moving museum. Furthermore, the truck will be accompanied by several Ripley´s Figures. People who became famous due to the book and are also to be seen in it. The inside of the truck will be filled with extraordinary, abnormal exhibits similar to those, that can be seen in the museum. Below there is an example of how one of those roadshow trucks could

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