Rob Hall Fischer Essay

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Problem (Issue) statement What happened on this trip in 1996? At first, this adventure looked like very successful, Hall, Fischer and most of their team members reached the top of Everest. Unfortunately, In the end, Hall, Fischer and three of their climbers lost their precious lives when they descended. What appears to be the problem(s) here? Five people’s deaths seem like an accident. Storm clouds, winds, and snow could be the arch-criminal. However, in this trip, Rob Hall and Scott Fischer exhibited some mistakes, and those mistakes also became the reason which killed those people. Especially, Hall and Fischer were overconfident. Because of their overconfidence, Hall and Fischer ignored many potential dangers and others’ suggestion. They thought they could reach the summit as well as before. Their overconfidence caused they put their team members at great risk on May 10, 1996. How do I know that this is a problem? During the read, there are many details show this problem. Rob Hall was the most experienced high-altitude climber in the world. He also established the “Two O’ Clock Rule”- “If you aren’t on top by two, it’s time to turn around. Darkness is not your friends” (Roberto & …show more content…

And the urgency issue should be unpredictable. According to those opinions, the most important issue in this story should be Rob Hall and Scott Fischer’s overconfidence. Because of their overconfidence, they made some wrong decisions in this trip. Some decisions indirectly impact the result, and some caused the dire consequences. The urgent issue could be the sickness and unpredictable weather. During the trip, many people had some different indispositions. Those indispositions were not very serious, but in this situation those indispositions could kill people. Therefore, all the climbers should not ignore them. After all, we only have one life, but we could have another chance to climb the summit of