Robert Frost Research Paper

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** Imagine a poet that uses nature to correspond to people and their emotions, well that is exactly what Robert Frost had done within the writing of his poems. Frost was one of the most popular poets who used nature very much in his writing. But many ask themselves why does he use nature to explain how people feel and current events happening during his era? Therefore There are many explanations to as of why he elaborated nature in his poems. Robert Frost known for being one of the undisputed masters of modern poetry was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, and died on January 29, 1963, in Boston, Massachusetts. Frost’s poems involved tragedies that he described in detail, and also using nature to symbolize people and also their feelings. …show more content…

He used nature as if they were actual people and or how people feel/their feelings. Frost’s poems were always seen as nature and man. A reason of why Frost used nature in his poems is that he has lived in New England which is abundant of nature in it’s area of the country. Frost’s use of New England dialect is just one aspect involved within his writing. But his particular focus was New Hampshire which he has quoted as “one of the two best states in the Union," the other being Vermont, in an essay entitled. Frost has combined nature and people to work together in his poems. An example of this is "Overview of Robert (Lee) …show more content…

A major role taking part in the topic is that he had lived on a dairy farm owned by his grandfather for nine years starting from October of 1900 to September of 1909. Therefore 9 years of Frost’s life was spent on a farm which is filled with nature. His decade spent on the farm involved with his most thriving and artistic moments of his career as a writer. Though at a time in Frost's life which was a time for grieving the loss of both his mother in 1900 and also his grandfather in 1901. Frost wrote many of his poems that had later appeared in his first three books. Therefore these years were a critical turning point in his career as a poet. Some would say that in this nine year span on this dairy farm are the years that sculpted and built who Robert Frost became who he was, the master of poetry. But these nine years aren’t the only positive effect that had come out of it. The farm years could have led to nature being a big influence on his writing. Greiner, Donald

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