
Robert Kennedy's Report On The Bay Of Pigs Invasion

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Practice Questions
Question One: How did you decide on your topic. Answer: When I was first deciding my topic originally I was planning on doing the history of the Khmer empire because I traveled to Cambodia with my family the past year for spring break. However, I always had an interest in the Cold War and its events. So I decided to change my topic. Then, after that I remember that I had done a report on Allen Dulles the director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion. From there I started to do research on the Invasion and chose it for my topic.

Question Two: How does your topic relate to this year’s theme. Answer: The Bay of Pigs Invasion covers this years theme of exploration, encounter, and exchange.The …show more content…

Answer: I conducted my research by using a variety of books and several different websites. However, my principal source was the Bay of Pigs declassified which contained an outline of the invasion stagy highlighting key points as well as containing attorney general Robert Kennedy’s report on the invasion. Question Seven: What primary sources did you find and where did you find them? Answer: I found several different primary sources, the majority of them being online, from various government websites. One of the best primary sources that I was able to find was the office of the historian files on the Bay of Pigs Invasion.

Question Eight: How did your primary sources help you to better understand your topic? Answer: My primary sources helped me to understand my topic my providing me with insight in the day to day events of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the opinions of people at the time, and the steps of the …show more content…

From the infamous failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, operation Mongoose was born. Operation Mongoose was the CIA’s plan spanning a number of years, used military forces, sabotage, and political propaganda to slander Castro’s popularity in the eyes of Cuban citizens as well as attempt to assassinate Castro. Nonetheless this plan failed as the CIA was unable to keep the plans for the Invasion covert. Unfortunately, during this time in Cuba, Fidel Castro held knowledge of the Central Intelligence Agency's credible plot to overthrow and assassinate him. To work to prevent this Castro contrived with the current Soviet Union dictator Nikita Khrushchev to place Soviet missiles in Cuba. This became a massive threat to the United States due to the fact that Cuba is within ninety miles of the coast of Florida. For the Soviets to have an ally, not only within the western hemisphere, but within ninety miles of the United States was believed to be a catastrophic idea. The threat of the missiles in Cuba was discovered on October 15, 1962. From the threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis the Cuban Embargo was put into effect. Attributing to the conflict that we see today with Cuba and the uneasy alliance that Cuba has with

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