Robert Louis Stevenson Accomplishments

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Throughout Robert Louis Stevenson's early life, it was clear that this young writer would continue to success, despite the many struggles he faced. Born in 1850, Stevenson was the son of Thomas Stevenson, a prosperous civil engineer, and his mother, Margaret Isabella Balfour. His poor health made regular schooling difficult, but he attended Edinburgh Academy and other schools before. (Daiches, 1)But in the midst of family issues, he visited Suffolk, England where he met lifelong friends Sydney Colvin and Fanny Sitwell. Sitwell, drew Stevenson out of his shell and won his self confidence. Later in 1873, Stevenson suffered respiratory illness and was sent with Colvin to the French Riviera.(Daiches, 2) Overall, its is indisputable that despite the many hurdles and issues he faced, the young author continued to persevere towards his passion. …show more content…

After developing TB, he married his wife Fanny Vandegrift Osbourne, whom he married in 1880, was a great support in his adventurous and arduous life. She continued to help him succeed in his prodigious pursuit to fame .In 1878, he published his first piece of literature, An Inland Voyage. Also from this period of his life, he published many humorous essays such as Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers (1881), in addition to his first fictional novel New Arabian Nights (1882). The 1880s, marked marked his literary works of genius, and his rapidly declining health. Moreover, this is due to his writing being the only activity available to him. (Biography, p3) This exquisite author created many works of excellence that marked the

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