Robert Merton: A Sociological Analysis

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Since there is such a huge wealth separation in the social classes, most families do not have enough to support their families or even feed their families. Some people result to crime to solve their problems. People who grow up in poor neighborhoods are more likely to be involved in crime. Robbing and stealing things from people are common crimes. People sometimes think that the last resort to support their families is to take what they need through illegal activities, but they do not thing of the consequences. Robert Merton was sociologist in the 90s that noted that the life has both intended and unintended functions; these functions are social factors that affect people in society. These two functions are called manifest and latent functions. Manifest functions are functions that lead to an expected consequence. Latent functions are functions that lead to unforeseen or unexpected consequences. Ramon had four other brothers and sisters, and he was the oldest. His father was not in the picture, and mother worked most of the time. He took care of his brothers and sisters, but sometimes that is not …show more content…

Some people believe that marriage defines; marriage is a relationship recognized by law or cultural norms. I believe that family is defined by the emotional and physical connection with one or more people. A person does not have to be married or a relative to someone to be considered family. A person can consider their social group as family; a person that you have been friends with since you were little is considered a brother or sister. I have played with the same softball players for 5 years, and they are considered family. In extreme cases, cults consider themselves a family; Cults are religious movements led by charismatic leaders with few followers. Families do not have to be blood related or to be family. Family members do not even have to me born from the same parents or even be the same

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