Robert Neville Character Analysis

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First of all, humans have cohabited together for thousands of years. They were involved in hunter-gathering bands and were forced to cooperate together and they also had to be intimately involved with other organisms (Santas 2014 95). Santas relies on the theory of biophilia to give precisions on the relation between humans and other living species. Biophilia is ‘a genetic disposition that links human survival to valuing living systems’ (Santas 2014 95). This sentiment is shown in the character of Robert Neville in IAL. Sympathy and compassion dwell in him. Robert Neville knows he is the only man alive. At the library, Neville thinks about the librarian that might have worked there. He felt empathy ‘to die he thought, never knowing the fierce …show more content…

He greatly wanted to fix it and obtain the dog’s affection (Matheson p88). Humans have a natural tendency to protect other living creatures and embrace companionship. All know that the dog is the man’s best friend. Next, Neville discovers another human, which he bombards with numerous questions. He shows scepticism towards this woman for the reason that she might be infected with the disease that killed the others. Neville mistrusts her but nevertheless ‘he felt a twinge of sympathy for a moment’ (Matheson 1995 p118). Turner mentions that ‘the basic thrust of evolution-has given rise to remarkable capacities for caring and sympathy’ (1997 212). Likewise, the protagonist also feels for the vampires even though they lie in wait to kill him ‘he understood what they felt and did not hate them’ (Matheson p159). Consequently, these narrations depicting what Neville thinks of others and especially towards his enemy make him honourable. These characteristics produce feelings of fondness towards people who understand others and respect