Robonaut Personal Statement

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The Robonauts team is a prestigious opportunity for me since it incorporates a great learning experience of the fundamentals of robotics, science, engineering, teamwork, communications, and the element of competition; by embedding the condition of working under pressure, this poses a similar environment to the professionals. I believe that I would be a suitable rookie Robonaut due to my interest, willingness to learn new information, and skill to work in groups. As a rookie Robonaut, I would like to continue to broaden my knowledge and experience in the field of engineering, science, technology, teamwork, and communications. This opportunity would tremendously help me to pursue a career in the field of science, especially engineering.
Having a deep understanding and skills in various areas is essential to a person to work professionally in a field and in their daily life. The prospect of being able to join the Robonauts will expand my knowledge in science, specifically engineering and robotics, and communications. By broadening my knowledge in those areas, I will improve how …show more content…

In order to put in the greatest amount of effort to accomplish something, a deep passion towards that subject must be present. I’ve been amazed and fascinated by the abilities that a robot can have since elementary school, building creations out of whatever is available and personally enjoying the field of engineering. In my everyday life, I show passion towards that subject. This interest I have has driven me to think and do things differently and logically at a higher level. Moreover, I have developed a great willingness to learn to a greater extent about science and mathematics, and how engineering and robotics can be applied to different areas within those core subjects. Overall, the aforementioned interest has caused me to want to pursue this type of work in the