Roe V. Wade's Anti-Feminist Movement

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After women won the vote, the leader of the National Woman’s Party believed that woman needed an amendment to stop all discrimination based on sex. It was introduced by Alice Paul in Congress in 1923 and then re-introduced in several different ways every year until 1971. In 1972, the ERA was finally passed the House and Senate. At that time, it was given 10 year extension. However, in 1973, Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade activated a strong anti-feminist movement that opposed the goal of feminists who supported abortion rights and the ERA. It was led by Phyllis Schlafly. Feminist groups countered with national economic boycotts against states that had not ratified the ERA. Despite the activism of the opposition groups such as pro-ERA women’s groups which sponsored a large mass march on Washington to re-new efforts to pass the amendment. However, only five more states ratified by 1977 and anti-ERA forces successfully persuaded some states that ratified the amendment to vote to rescind their ratification. They had a detrimental impact on the movement since votes were non-bonded. The amendment went down to defeat in June 1982, the new deadline set by Congress.
Gloria Marie Steinem …show more content…

Louis, Missouri. She rose as a Roman Catholic and went to Washington University. It was a high achievement for a woman of her time. She as a journalist, she wrote topics about family, politics, religion, feminism, and education. Schlafly feared the amendment would lead women into combat, promote gay marriage and abortions, make all bathrooms unisex, and remove legal protections of wives. She said “What I am defending is the real rights of women. A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother”. Therefore, she inspired a movement of woman who wanted to preserve a traditional family. Nowadays, Schlafly is still alive and writing books including criticism of modern politics, as well as “War on Religion” especially