
Roger Malvin's Burial And The Scarlett Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Nathaniel Hawthorne, an esteemed and well respected author, has an interesting family background and life story. Born in the city of Salem in Massachusetts, his family and ancestors were involved in the witch trials. His family’s name was Hathorne, but do to the history and shame he felt from what his family had done, Nathaniel changed it by adding a single letter to espérate himself from their past involvement (“Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography”). With the help of his wealthy uncles after his father’s passing at sea, Nathaniel was able to attend college to become a writer. His most notable works include: The House of the Seven Gables, Young Goodman Brown, Roger Malvin’s Burial, and The Scarlet Letter. Throughout his life, Hawthorne had difficulties
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