
Role Of Abigail To Blame In The Crucible

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In the play The Crucible theres is witchcraft going on in salem but the people don't want other towns to know about it. Also in the play mostly everyone is a christian and attends church on sunday. Does Abigail deserve to be at fault for everything that happened. I think she does because if it wasn't for her none of this would have happened. Also Abigail and Tituba are the ones to blame because they are the ones that make the other girls go dance in the woods. Then Abigail is the one that killed the chicken to drink the blood and she was spotted dancing naked in the woods by Reverend Parris. And that led to mostly every girl getting witched and not being able to move or talk. Also Reverend Parris confronted his niece Abigail about what he saw in the woods and Abigail denied it at first and therefore Reverend Parris slapped her. Hale comes to see what's wrong with Betty and why she is not moving nor …show more content…

Later on in the play Abigail kisses John Proctor but he tells her to stay away from him and his wife. Also Abigail accused Goody Proctor of having a needle in a poppet and that's why Abigail walked into the courtroom with a stab wound in the stomach bleeding. Therefore they take Goody Proctor. Then John Proctor grabs Marry Warren and takes her to the court so that she can confess about how the poppet got the needle in the stomach. But the girls say that she is spreading her wings to attack them and they repeat everything she says. Also John Proctor commits to committing adultery with Abigail. Then they bring in Goody Proctor to confess if he actually committed adultery with Abigail. But Goody Proctor lies to protect her husband and says that he hasn't committed adultery without her knowing that John Proctor has confessed everything that he has done. Therefor he will be hanged along with Goody Proctor and the rest of the people that were accused of

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